2014年7月12日 星期六

A day's Work

This book is an inspirational tale, a story of the relationship and ties of a family. Young Francisco, has met his grandfather recently but knows already that he loves him. For these feelings and his family ties with him he decides to go on with him to find "A Day's Work" with which he hopes to have enough money to have more food on the table for that night. They do find a job due to young Francisco's insistence that his grandfather knows how to garden. Although they get the job done, they discover that instead of plucking the weeds, they plucked the plants and his grandfather decides to offer to plant the plants again the next day to make up for his grandson's lie. His honesty not only teaches his grandson the important things, but also gets him a steady job, not just "A Day's Work"

Reading Activities 

Extended Reading : All in a Day's work

Words to know










Discussion topics for before reading:
• Looking at the cover, what do you think this book is about?
• What do you think it would be like to not understand what anyone else is saying? What would you do?
• Have you ever had to translate English and Spanish for your parent or another grownup? How did that make you feel?
• Do you know anyone who has done day work? What kinds of jobs did they do?
• What lessons have you learned from your parents or relatives?

Discussion topics for during/after reading:
• How does Francisco feel about his grandfather?
• What did Francisco say to convince Ben to hire him and grandfather? What mistake did he make?
• What does the grandfather mean when he says ?that is the price of a lie?? Why is he mad at Francisco?
• Have you ever told a lie to someone? What were the consequences?
• What did the grandfather do that taught the boy a lesson? What was that lesson?
• Ben said that the ?important things your grandfather knows already.? What are the things he is referring to?

